New Female Celtic Artist Eres brings you celtic music with original songs composed and produced especially for her by Eliyora Entertainment’s Sherese Timeless. Eres’ vocals were recorded LIVE by One Take Studios™ using their Zero-Edit Recording™ — so you know she’s keeping it real!
Ever Entertainment® Exclusive! Listen to Eres’ music only at
Hi, Ziyna Ember here. I’m in Eres’ place at 186,000 Velocity Street™ to give you a glimpse into Eliyora Entertainment’s™ singer of Celtic Music. Instead of a standard biography, I thought it would be more personal to let you get to know a bit of Eres through her own words.
Ziyna: Hi Eres, thanks for having me!
Eres: Hi Ziyna, thanks for coming! I was just making some chocolate chai, do you want some?
Ziyna: Sure! Yum, so creamy and chocolaty. I’ve never had tea like this before. How did you make it so creamy?
Eres: (Laughs) With whipped cream! I whip just a little with the cocoa before I blend it into the tea. It’s my favorite!
Ziyna: Well it’s definitely on my list now too! So you are Eliyora Entertainment’s™ singer of Celtic songs. Do you have Celtic roots?
Eres: Well, I have some Welsh in me, but I can’t really say that’s consciously where my love of Celtic music comes from. It’s a question I couldn’t answer before I began working with Sherese Timeless, Eliyora Entertainment’s™ very own composer and producer. She can tell it better than I can because she’s the one who hears the songs. We spoke about what moved us, and she set about “listening” for the Celtic songs in the “song garden” she hears in the air that she’s always talking about, composed about 20 songs and brought them to me. The first few I could imagine in the misty native Celtic lands, but then the rest surprised me! They started feeling like rural America! They all felt “Celtic” to me, but I began to realize that anyone from a rural setting like me, perhaps anywhere in America, could relate to the stories. It reminded me how core US Celtic and US African music is to American music — a swirling of the two created the first truly American music coming out of Appalacia and the South. And there is “blue” in both, which seems to be the clincher for me. I realized how I was learning and singing the first American songs in my earliest memories! It was something I took for granted and never thought about until I sang these songs. What a discovery, a “coming home.” I felt like a child again, singing these lyrical melodies and simple, honest, human stories! It gets to the foundation of what music is to me — storytelling that we can all relate to.
Ziyna: Can’t wait to hear them! You have released five so far. So when will you have the remaining 15 available?
Eres: There’s so much going on right now at Eliyora Entertainment™ with everyone releasing their first five singles and all of us creating our Artist Channels — I have to be patient. I’ll look forward to recording the rest as soon as I can!
Ziyna: We’ll look forward to hearing them all. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and this creamy chocolate chai.
Eliyora: Sure! Thanks Ziyna. I really appreciate you coming by!
Eliyora Entertainment LLC. Ever Entertainment® © Paradunai LLC. All international rights reserved. All trademarks property of Paradunai LLC. All personas, concepts and original songs created and performed by Sherese Chrétien.