posts tagged
"music sponsorship"

Listen To Music Free

Listen to Music Free We know you want to listen to music free.  We know you have choices. How about listening to on-demand, streaming music FREE where artists make the money!  You can hear all of our music at Ever Entertainment®, Whatever-Whenever-Wherever Entertainment,™ where Artists make 100% of the sponsor revenue generated on their channels […]

Why Music Sponsorship

Why Music Sponsorship Why Music Sponsorship? January 2012 Why Music Sponsorship? Hi, Sherese Chrétien here, the little “wizard” standing on the chair, working the knobs and gadgets behind the Eliyora Entertainment™ curtain, and now Ever Entertainment.® We have chosen to focus on Music Sponsorship as our main source of revenue, placing all of our music […]

DIY Music Sponsorship Journal
DIY Music Sponsorship Journal

Wondering how to do DIY Music Sponsorship?  Ride along with multi-dimensional artist Sherese Chrétien as she sets out on a journey to do just that. Journal Entries: | DIY Music Sponsorship Journal 9/26/14 | DIY Music Sponsorship Journal 9/29/14 | DIY Music Sponsorship Journal 10/03/14 | DIY Music Sponsorship Journal 10/13/14 | DIY Music Sponsorship Journal 10/17/14 | DIY Music Sponsorship […]

DIY Music Sponsorship Journal – 11/28/14

11-28-14 Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. You know, most wait until New Years to reflect on the past year and make goals for the future. I’ve realized I naturally begin this process as soon as the sun slants into what I learned growing up to call Indian Summer. If I have the opportunity to […]

DIY Music Sponsorship Journal – 11/21/14

11-21-14 Whew! I’m hoping to send out my first press release explaining my Ever Entertainment concept to 27 media I’ve identified after several days of using my “music” Google Alert. Getting them into my press database now. I also decided to create a comparison chart that allows a scan of Ever Entertainment’s features and benefits […]

DIY Music Sponsorship Journal – 11/17/14

11-17-14 Whew! Two weeks of computer issues! Hopefully, I’m coming out of the woods this week! Where were we? Oh, yeah, newspapers. I started identifying the music market newspapers, and decided to take a more targeted approach. I created a Google Alert daily search to gather all the press focusing on music, music sponsorship and […]

DIY Music Sponsorship Journal – 10/31/14

10/31/14 Happy Halloween! I’m having a treat as I write this — it’s not really Halloween-themed — but oh so yummy! I call it a banana split brownie. It’s a homemade chocolate brownie with my homemade vanilla ice-cream both made with only whole, natural ingredients, topped with fresh sliced bananas, strawberries, and pineapple. Love Halloween! […]

DIY Music Sponsorship Journal – 10/27/14

10/27/14 Marketing Strategy All right. I’ve completed my Competitor Analysis — time to figure out how the pedal hits the metal! How exactly am I going to attract my target audience, so I can then attract brands? This is where I really have to create a road map on how to get from here to […]

DIY Music Sponsorship Journal – 10/24/14

10-24-14 It’s all about eyeballs. Now that I have identified my target audience as much as I can at this point, I need to build a marketing plan within my sponsorship plan to attract that audience before I can begin to attract brands. At this point, it is inevitable that not only are we considering […]

DIY Music Sponsorship Journal – 10/17/14

10/17/14 All right — let’s see, I want to find some statistics on US computer users that may help me better understand my audience. According to the US Census Bureau, 74.8% of all households in America had access to the internet at home in 2012 — that means my total audience potential is 74.8% of […]