posts tagged
"celtic music history"


Celtic All things Celtic Celtic Music | Celtic Music History | Celtic Lyrics | Celtic Mythology | Check out our Celtic Artist Eres Back to Magazine Eliyora Entertainment LLC.  Ever Entertainment.®  © Paradunai LLC.  All international rights reserved.  All trademarks property of Paradunai LLC.  All personas, concepts and original songs created and performed by Sherese […]

Celtic Lyrics

Celtic Lyrics Celtic Lyrics: The lyrics to any given traditional Celtic melody could vary on any given day.  In early American music, you see the same thing.  Melodies were “recycled” over and over to different lyrics.  After the late 19th century and copyrighting, you don’t see this as much anymore. To find lyrics to Eres’ […]

Celtic Music History

Celtic Music History Celtic Music History: We must look deep into the needfire to find the origin of the Celts, for before they were Celts, they sat around an ancient communal fire in the Steppes of Central Asia with their kin, ancestors of most modern Europeans, the Persians, and the East-Indians.  They were the first […]